Mechanical Engineering

LEED and Green Building Studies & Compliance for Different Packages; Feasibility & Energy Conservation Studies; Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning (HVAC) and Refrigeration; Exhaust Systems, Industrial Ventilation & Dust Collector Systems; Kitchen Hood Exhaust & Make-Up Air Design; Energy Studies & Building Energy Simulation; Building Envelope Studies Including Insulation & Fenestration; Building Management Systems: Control, Direct Digital Control (DDC); California State Energy Code Compliance ( Title 24, Part 6); Value Engineering, Life Cycle Cost Analysis; Regulatory Agency Approval: DSA, OSHPD, CDC, AQMD; Geo-Loop-Ground Source Heat Pump Systems.


HVAC systems control the quality of the air we breathe indoors.

Today’s concerns about global warming and the rise in the cost of electricity, and rebates from utilities and government present great opportunities for HVAC systems.

MK2 is committed to identifying systems, equipment, and techniques that will reduce energy usage and save money over the long term.

MK2 is responding to these opportunities by practicing many energy savings designs recommended by the LEED Certification process.


Electrical Engineering

Solar Energy Design; Coordination of Utility Companies; Underground Utility & Joint Trench Planning; Building Loads / Calculations & Usage Analysis; Single-Line Diagrams of Various Electrical Systems; Building Services & Distribution Systems; Telephone & Data Communication Systems; Fire Alarm & Security Systems; Cable Antenna Television (CATV) & Video Systems; Building Management Systems (BMS) & Controls.



Plumbing Engineering

Schematic & Design Development Drawing; Site & Building Plumbing; Details & Fixture Schedules; Sanitary Waste Drain / Vent Floor Plans; Hydraulic Calculations; Waste & Process Water Systems; Hot & Cold Domestic Water System Design: Process & Gas; Natural Gas and/or Propane Utility Systems; Coordination with Utility Companies; Underground Utility Planning & Coordination.



Fire Protection

Feasibility & Verification Studies; Fire Alarm Control Systems; Design Development & Planning Services; Site Fire Main & Building Fire Protection System Design; Hydraulic Calculations; Sprinkler Riser Layout & Hanger Design; Fire Pump Design & Specifications; Coordination with State, County and City Fire Marshall Staff on Approvals.



Sustainable Design, Energy Conservation

MK2 believes that sustainability is an economic benefit through energy conservation achieved by practicing a triple bottom line philosophy in our design: Planet, People, and Performance.

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

MK2 has an extensive track record of using sustainable energy-efficient applications for our institutional, commercial, and residential clients to save energy and consistently lower monthly energy bills for utilities as well as lower maintenance costs long before the recently established LEED Certification System.  We are continually adding LEED Accredited Professionals to our staff and Consultant Team.  Currently, MK2 has three (3) LEED Accredited Professionals on staff.  MK2 provides unique sustainable concepts to maximize profitability in building system upgrades by practicing an integrated design approach between our Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, and Sustainability Staff.

LEED Targeted Certifications

We currently have several projects that are applying for LEED Certification Rating.

  • Napa Square: A retail and office facility

    • LEED for New Construction: Silver Rating

  • Prison Industry Authority: Folsom Office Building

    • LEED for New Construction: Silver Rating

  • Napa County Sheriff Facility

    • LEED for New Construction: Silver Rating

  • Los Gatos, California; Single Family Residence

    • LEED for Homes: Silver Rating

LEED Certification Services

MK2 conducts the LEED Certification Process for Building Owners who want the design and construction of their projects to receive the LEED Certification.  MK2 works with your design team to allocate the systems and procedures and manage the documentation and monitoring process that is required by the U.S. Green Building Council to achieve the LEED Certification.  Our project management technique for LEED Certification emphasizes the use of Eco-Charrettes to address any design constraints in the project and promote design innovation.
